
WhatsApp chat group insulting students lands teachers in trouble

Madrid school staff face disciplinary action after the conversations were leaked to parents

Manuel Planelles
A parents meeting after details of the incident came to light.
A parents meeting after details of the incident came to light.claudio álvarez

Seven teachers at a rural junior school in Madrid are facing disciplinary action after allegedly using the WhatsApp messaging application to insult pupils, parents, and other staff, making “unpleasant, offensive, and inappropriate comments.”

Among the seven now under investigation by the regional government of Madrid’s education department is the head of the state-run junior school in Casarrubuelos, a small community in the south of Madrid, who has been suspended from her post while the regional education department investigates the matter further, adding that it has also informed the public prosecutor’s office for minors. The other teachers involved in the affair no longer work at the school.

What’s the name of that disgusting child who is always in detention during break time?”

The regional education department has known about the matter since the beginning of March, but decided to seek legal advice as to whether private conversations on WhatsApp could be the basis of disciplinary measures.

But soon after, the conversations were anonymously leaked to parents in the village, causing uproar: “What’s the name of that disgusting child who is always in detention during break time?” “Better to give a child a good belting early on rather than a hundred lessons in pedagogy.” “My pupils are the worst little sons of bitches I’ve ever seen, they’re always fighting each other.” “Yeah, well maybe they’ll kill each other.”

I can’t stand these ignorant yokels questioning my work. If they don’t want to see that their kids are subnormal… that’s not my business”

Another teacher complains about parents: “I can’t stand these ignorant yokels questioning my work. If they don’t want to see that their kids are subnormal… that’s not my business. They’re all rude, disrespectful, and lazy.” One refers to the mother of pupil as “that bitch”.

The teachers also face the legal action for “breaching the rights of minors.”

Parents of children at the school say that the incident is not the first of its kind, accusing the regional education department of ignoring long-standing conflicts with the teachers. They are calling on the authorities to replace the entire teaching staff at the school.

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