
Pensions, healthcare, defense... Spanish taxman opens up on spending

In a first, the state will inform taxpayers filing 2014 returns about ways their money is used

Jesús Sérvulo González
Healthcare represents €14 out of every €100 taken by the Tax Agency.
Healthcare represents €14 out of every €100 taken by the Tax Agency.EFE

The Spanish Tax Agency has started to tell taxpayers just how their contributions are used for the common good.

Returns filed for income earned in 2014 will include information showing how taxes are shared out between the central and regional governments, depending on the taxpayer’s fiscal residence, the Treasury Ministry explained.

Pension payments, unemployment checks and other forms of welfare subsidies take the lion’s share

Authorities will also show where an individual’s taxes go specifically; that is, which proportion is used to fund public healthcare, education, pensions, infrastructure, defense and so on.

This is the same kind of information that is already offered at the national level reflecting the government’s use of public revenues.

An analysis of these national figures shows that in 2013, every €100 of revenue was used to fund the following services:

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