
Hailstorm turns Madrid white in July

Twenty-one provinces remain on alert for heavy storms in the coming hours

Hailstones in the Madrid district of San Blas.Photo: reuters_live | Video: Ricardo Gutiérrez | vídeo: el país - live!

An intense hailstorm fell on Madrid Thursday afternoon, bringing traffic temporarily to a halt on several major roads. Delays were reported on the M-40 and M-11 motorways, although no damage to people or property has yet been reported.

The northeastern districts of San Blas, Barajas and Vicálvaro were especially hard hit by the hailstorm, which began around 3pm and lasted 10 minutes, covering the city with an unprecedented mantle of white in the middle of July.

A photo of the aftermath of the hail storm, posted on Twitter by @borja_cadorniga.
A photo of the aftermath of the hail storm, posted on Twitter by @borja_cadorniga.

The hailstones were larger than marbles, eyewitnesses reported, and built up several centimeters high against the sidewalks and roadsides.

Meanwhile, lightning struck the Iberian peninsula more than 21,000 times  on Wednesday night, which still falls short of the record, said Ángel Alcázar of the national weather agency Aemet.

A photo of the hailstones posted on Twitter by @Irealeal.
A photo of the hailstones posted on Twitter by @Irealeal.

Twenty-one provinces in nine regions remain on alert for rain and windstorms, with a special focus on parts of Aragón and Castilla La-Mancha, which are expected to record rainfall of around 40 liters per square meter in one hour, according to Aemet.

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