
Torrential rain forces high-speed AVE train to a halt in Alicante

All 220 passengers escape injury after track sinks into soaked ground; services remain disrupted

The AVE train keeling over after heavy rain saturated the ground beneath the line.
The AVE train keeling over after heavy rain saturated the ground beneath the line.Manuel Podio (EFE)

A high-speed AVE train covering the Madrid-Alicante route was forced to a halt near Alpera (Alicante) on Wednesday after heavy rainstorms flooded the tracks.

None of the 220 passengers were injured, but they did have to continue their journey on regular trains and buses.

AVE services between Albacete and Alicante continue to be disrupted because of excess water on the line, said rail infrastructure manager Adif.

AVE operator Renfe quickly denied claims of a derailment

While initial reports talked about a derailment, Renfe, the AVE operator, quickly denied such claims, saying the train had merely come to a stop because of the “unsafe conditions.”

Images distributed by Efe news agency showed the AVE train keeling over to the left because a section of the tracks had sunk into the soft ground, not because of a derailment.

Cesárea Arnedo, mayor of Alpera, said the incident was caused by “the strong rainstorm” that had battered the town on Tuesday afternoon.

Until Adif gets the problem solved, all high-speed trains will be transferred to conventional tracks between Albacete and Alicante.

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