
Two fishermen dead and three missing after boat sinks off Asturias coast

Crew of another vessel managed to rescue survivors from the sinking ship

Two fishermen died and three were still missing on Thursday after their boat sank in Asturian waters. The vessel, the Mar Nosso, was flying a Portuguese flag and was based in the Pontevedran port of Marín.

According to the Coast Guard, an emergency call was received at 1pm from another boat, the Mar da Galega, which was also fishing in the area. The crew of that vessel were able to rescue seven survivors from the sinking ship, which went down 20 miles north of the Navia inlet, in Asturias.

Another fishing boat, the Kika, found the two bodies in the water. Three crew members remain missing.

Four of the rescued fishermen were taken to hospital by helicopter. Two of them are in a serious condition due to the effects of hypothermia.

A helicopter, a Coast Guard vessel and a number of fishing boats are searching for the missing crew.

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