
Man given one year in jail for locking four-year-old in the trunk of his car

Youngster was left for two hours inside while defendant visited girlfriend

A Málaga court has sentenced a man to one year in jail for locking his girlfriend’s four-year-old daughter in the trunk of his automobile for two hours last April.

The defendant was convicted of putting a child’s life in danger while he temporarily abandoned her, according to a ruling obtained by the Efe news agency on Tuesday.

The incident occurred on April 24 last year in Benalmádena. The man locked the girl in the trunk before going up to see his girlfriend in a nearby building.

The youngster remained inside from 6pm to 8.56pm in 26ºC heat, according to the ruling.

Several hours later he placed the girl back in the trunk but police were able to rescue her and arrest the man. The court found that the four-year-old could have died of asphyxiation.

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