
Barcelona man arrested for allegedly setting wife on fire

Suspect called her parents to tell them she had suffered an accident

Rebeca Carranco

Police in the Barcelona town of Vilanova i la Geltrú arrested a 43-year-old man who allegedly burned his partner to death and reported it as an accident. The incident marks the first gender violence crime reported this year.

Authorities said the suspect, Antonio S., called his wife’s family members on Saturday to tell them she had suffered an accident. When medics arrived on the scene, they found the 43-year-old woman, Núria R. P., suffering from a blow to her head and with burns all over her body.

Police arrested Antonio S. on the scene, according to the town’s mayor, Neus Lloveras. The suspect had been arrested for gender violence in the past.

In 2013, 48 women were killed by their partners in Spain.

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