
This week’s movie releases

Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke reteam with director Richard Linklater for Before Midnight

French actress July Delpy prior to the Paris screening of the film "Before Midnight."
French actress July Delpy prior to the Paris screening of the film "Before Midnight."PIERRE ANDRIEU (AFP)

Nine years after their reencounter in Paris and 18 since they spent a romantic first night together roaming the streets of Vienna, the stars of Before Sunrise and Before Sunset, Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke, reteam with director Richard Linklater for Before Midnight. The film finds the pair, now married with twin girls and living in Paris, on vacation in Greece. But with Hawke’s Jesse, a successful writer, keen to move back to the United States to be nearer his teenage son from his first marriage, and Delpy’s Céline facing a career crossroads, the strains are beginning to show in their seemingly idyllic life together. The conversation soon turns to the challenges of long-term relationships.

His 1999 debut The Sixth Sense may have been well received, but let’s not beat about the bush: it has pretty much been downhill since for M. Night Shyamalan’s career. Remarkably though, he’s still hanging on in there. His latest is sci-fi actioner After Earth, in which Will Smith and son Jaden play a father and child who crash land on an Earth that humans abandoned 1,000 years previously. With Dad injured, Smith Jr. has to embark on a perilous journey across the planet to signal for help, dealing with oversized baboons and other newly evolved deadly life forms en route.

Looking suspiciously like a shameless two-hour plug for Google, The Internship stars Wedding Crashers duo Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson as laid-off salesmen who talk their way into a much-sought-after work placement at the internet search giant. Once there, they have to duke it out with the young tech elite for a permanent position at the internet behemoth.

Wheel-life tale

The first film to be directed by a female Saudi Arabian filmmaker, Haifaa al-Mansour’s Wadjda tells the story of a 10-year-old girl living in Riyadh who sets her sights on buying the bicycle she passes on the way to school every day. When her mother objects — bikes are not deemed suitable for girls in Saudi Arabia — she sets about raising the money herself.

In time for this year’s Sanfermines festival, Dutch director Olivier van der Zee’s Encierro: Bull Running in Pamplona offers a 3D documentary portrait of the Navarrese capital’s famous bull-running spectacular. Following six runners, as well as interviewing the father of the last person to die at the event, in 2009, it also features spectacular footage of the animals shot from a 270-meter cable running along the route.

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