
Indignant protestors return to Madrid site of 2011 sit-in base camp

Movement seen as angrier and more divided than at spark of global demonstrations two years ago

Spain's 'indignant' protesters demonstrate at the Puerta del Sol square in Madrid on May 12, 2013, to decry economic injustice in a show of strength two years after their birth shook the political establishment.
Spain's 'indignant' protesters demonstrate at the Puerta del Sol square in Madrid on May 12, 2013, to decry economic injustice in a show of strength two years after their birth shook the political establishment. PEDRO ARMESTRE (AFP)

Spain’s “Indignant” movement that sparked a global wave of citizen protests celebrated its second anniversary on Sunday with a march on Madrid’s Puerta del Sol, where the 2011 encampment became the symbol of disaffection for Spain’s political class.

Hundreds of people returned to the streets in Madrid and around 20 other cities to express discontent with the political and economic system, much as they did on May 15, 2011. That is why this year, the anniversary slogan is “From indignation to rebellion.”

Two years later, the movement is more fragmented and even angrier at the lack of improvement of Spain's situation. “Two years ago we had 4.5 million people out of a job and now we have six million,” says Eduardo Maura, a member of the Sol Sit-in Analysis Group.

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