
Government warns of risk of further eruption in El Hierro

The Canary Islands government warned on Tuesday that seismic activity in El Hierro was pointing to the risk of another volcanic eruption on the island.

The National Geographic Institute detected 31 tremors in the early hours of Tuesday, the biggest of which measured 3.9 on the Richter scale in the north of the island close to Frontera, where some 4,000 people live. Tremors were also felt on Sunday.

A volcanic eruption occurred in the sea south of the island on October 11, producing a sulfurous slick that was larger than the island itself.

"The scenario of a possible volcanic eruption cannot be ruled out from the new seismic activity that is taking place in the north," the government said.

More information
New tremors rock El Hierro
Canaries orders evacuation of volcano-threatened El Hierro
How not to handle a volcanic eruption
New El Hierro evacuations as experts forecast big earthquakes

The statement also warned islanders against eating fish until tests had been carried out for possible contamination.

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