
IU hands reins of power to PP in Extremadura

Party leader Lara fails to head off surprising decision to back conservatives ahead of Socialists

In an unexpected twist, leaders of the Extremaduran branch of United Left (IU)- the most left-wing of Spain's mainstream parties- have decided to allow the conservative Popular Party (PP) to rule the region. On Sunday, the region's party council voted in favor of abstaining during the upcoming investiture session, which will effectively hand the regional premiership to José Antonio Monago.

Extremadura was a traditional Socialist stronghold, but in the May 22 elections, PSOE only won 30 seats to the PP's 32, meaning it required the IU's support to govern. Despite an intense 10-hour debate in which national leader, Cayo Lara, passionately insisted that IU must help PSOE, local members were moved by resentment over Socialist slights from its time as majority ruler in Extremadura.

More information
Socialists lose IU support in Extremadura

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