This week's movie releases
Headhunters is the latest celluloid convert from Scandinavia's current rich seam of crime fiction
Headhunters is the latest celluloid convert from Scandinavia's current rich seam of crime fiction
More animated fun with the latest Madagascar movie, and Julie Delpy's Skylab
Christopher Nolan's latest Batman installment vies with the messy complexity of ‘Margaret’
Werner Herzog explores the essence of humanity in ‘Cave of Forgotten Dreams’
Director Wes Anderson takes a welcome step back with 'Moonrise Kingdom' Guy Pearce stars in sci-fi thriller 'Lockout'
Jack Black, Steve Martin and Owen Wilson go birdwatching in 'The Big Year' Catalan director Jaime Rosales unveils 'Sueño y silencio'
'Snow White and the Huntsman' puts the Grimm into the classic fairytale 'Miel de Naranjas' opens a window on the 1950s anti-Franco resistance
The Men in Black return for a third outing, while Zac Efron takes on the role of a soldier in The Lucky One
Jonah Hill stars in The Sitter, while Richard Gere appears as a former CIA agent forced out of retirement in The Double
Sean Penn gets dressed up like Robert Smith in This Must be the Place, while Tim Burton returns with Dark Shadows, starring Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter
Johnny Depp reprises his role as gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson while American Pie is back for another installment
The Awakening is a haunted house chiller of the kind Spanish cinema has excelled at in recent years
Be sure not to miss Spain’s haunting religious processions this Easter
The zombies take a very funny turn in third entry in the Spanish horror franchise Danny DeVito lends his voice to Dr Seuss' 'The Lorax'
Actor Paddy Considine makes his directorial debut with 'Tyrannosaur' A host of British thesps checks in to 'The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel'
Tilda Swinton struggles with a monstrous son in 'We Need to Talk About Kevin' Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock star in 'Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close'
George Clooney makes his fourth outing as director, while Disney brings us Edgar Rice Burroughs' John Carter
Steven Soderbergh rethinks the action genre as Angelina Jolie debuts behind the camera
Michael Fassbender stars as a sex addict in Steve McQueen's 'Shame' Daniel Radcliffe takes his first post-Potter steps in 'The Woman in Black'