The incredible story of ‘Megalosaurus’
The discovery of the first dinosaur fossil described by science 200 years ago brought with it legends, zoophagy and the first major scientific marketing campaign
The discovery of the first dinosaur fossil described by science 200 years ago brought with it legends, zoophagy and the first major scientific marketing campaign
A book recovers the biographies of over 170 female paleontologists and geologists from around the world, from the beginning of these disciplines through today
Some 350 footprints found in the Andean country support the idea that adult sauropods cared for the entire herd’s offspring. The discovery also reveals the South American nation’s difficulties in protecting its paleontological heritage
The preservation of soft tissues is one of the forms of fossilization that most fascinates paleontologists due to all the information that these natural mummies reveal, as well as the challenge of explaining how they formed
Stegosaurus’ earliest ancestors survived even after the Jurassic period and on a continent where their presence was previously unknown
There are many hypotheses, from mating to avoiding the risk of being bitten, that may explain why the famous dinosaur had such ridiculously small forelimbs
The 93-million-year-old carnivore was named after a dragon from the literary saga that inspired the popular TV series ‘Game of Thrones’
EL PAÍS spoke with the man who discovered the first and only complete skeleton of the dinosaur, and with researchers about how the portrayal of the species measures up to reality