The nonverbal language of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump
While the vice president presents a joyful image, the Republican is known for his furrowed brow and raised fist
While the vice president presents a joyful image, the Republican is known for his furrowed brow and raised fist
The anxiety felt during Holy Week by believers and agnostics alike, given the tragedy in Palestine, reflects a universal human struggle
A crucial test to gauge the challenges facing the current administration will be the upcoming municipal elections in October
It already seems clear that the wife of the former Brazilian president will begin her entry into active politics as soon as possible. She will likely start with the municipal elections scheduled for October
At Harvard and Yale, there are courses that seek to define the concept of what makes human beings happy. But another question arises: why not study unhappiness and universal unrest?
Pope Francis’s recent actions are sparking renewed interest in writings by early Christians that emphasize the importance of women in the Church
The Armed Forces is facing a slump in popular credibility amid the requirement to punish those possibly responsible for backing an attempt to annul the result of the 2022 elections
The former head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Gerhard Ludwig Muller, questions the decisions of the Pope.
The political right knows that most Brazilians have rejected the coup-plotting, radical wing of the former president, but they also know that voters do not want a full return of the Workers’ Party in its purest form
‘Politics’ can be a noun or a verb with very different meanings, yet another example of how words can create or destroy
The Latin American country could be at the forefront of the fight to protect the environment, a struggle that affects the entire planet
Bible scholars are still debating the meaning of one of the most remarkable events in the Gospels
Regardless of one’s faith, the importance of the Nativity lies in the strength of its symbolism, not the accuracy of the accounts provided by the apostles
Even his own ministers are trying to stop the Brazilian leader from going on a visit to Moscow at this tense time when a war between Russia and Ukraine could break out at any moment
They now represent a decisive electoral power base
Only six million visit the South American nation annually compared to 53 million who come to Spain
Rousseff’s grouping will discuss implementing internal reforms at upcoming convention
Lula da Silva steps out of the shadows to support his grouping’s leader
Folha de São Paulo reports that Abin kept tabs at launch base of Alcântara
Brazil's president calls for a conference to discuss the rules for Internet use and to prevent spying
President Rousseff introduces bill in answer to alleged US spying activities in her country
President Dilma Rouseff and the ecologist Marina Silva stage a preview of next year's presidential campaign season
The mafia group operates inside prisons
Nine new units should be producing one million additional barrels by next year
Observers believe pontiff is likely to make changes to allow a bigger role for women in the Church
Brazilian leader’s stance may earn her more support for a second run next year President to criticize US espionage at UN General Assembly
Twelve convicted former officials of Lula da Silva’s government could get new trials