Government moots "green cent" on fuel as revenues wane
Relatively low environmental taxes in Spain offer an opportunity to square the budgetary circle
Relatively low environmental taxes in Spain offer an opportunity to square the budgetary circle
New mechanism will be cross between the FROB and suppliers fund used by town halls and regional capitals
Government makes new pledges to lure wealthy into repatriating money from havens Cash shielded by statute of limitations will be allowed to be included in amnesty deal
Government may eliminate tax break on house buying it reintroduced six months ago Tax revenue down from consumer-related spending during first five months of 2012
“The plan has been bearing fruit,” says Finance Minister Cristóbal Montoro Government to announce new funding mechanism next week
Adjusted figures for some regions show higher shortfalls
Only Asturias, still without a new government after March elections, sees its stability plan rejected by council
Measures include the creation of a new type of tax fraud crime aimed at mafias Maximum prison sentences will be raised from two years to six Statute of limitations on such offenses also to be raised
But Montoro warns town halls about staffing levels
Government obligations reach 68.5 percent of GDP at fourth quarter’s end Analysts predict Spain won’t meet its 2012 deficit target Catalonia tops list of regions with highest public debt
Andalusia to square up against austerity at key meeting
Secretary of state says bloated public administrations have to slim down
Government's plan fails to resolve the problem of employees given short-term contracts
Finance minister's statement that administrators should face charges for overspending sparks a complex debate