Are there plants that purify the air?
A 1989 NASA study suggested some species were able to eliminate volatile organic compounds, but new research cast doubt on these findings
A 1989 NASA study suggested some species were able to eliminate volatile organic compounds, but new research cast doubt on these findings
Zamioculcas, spathiphyllum, and sansevieria are among a careful selection of botanical species that can deal with almost any adversity and are easier to care for than a cactus
Hands up any first-time owner who has not been surprised by the effects of canine adolescence or floored by the enormous choice of supermarket food for their pet
Many people think that humanizing their furry companions is the best way to care for them, but the truth is that they are happier just being what they are: animals
Is your pet causing problems at home? To find a solution, it is important to know the difference between unwanted conducts and actual behavior problems
HSBC global survey suggests old clichés about Spain are proving hard to shake off
Non-Spaniards are often nonplussed by the rich variety of ways in which Spaniards use the word
EL PAÍS explains the origins of some of the strangest sayings used in the Spanish language