Raging fire threatens ancient sequoias in California’s Yosemite National Park
At least 70 million Americans are on alert for extreme temperatures as a heat wave continues to affect the country
At least 70 million Americans are on alert for extreme temperatures as a heat wave continues to affect the country
Twenty-year-old Maryam Alsyed Tiyrab’s sentence sees small human rights gains overturned following the October 2021 military coup
Sergey Brin, who had invested heavily in Tesla during the 2008 crisis to help his friend, reportedly gave orders to disinvest, according to ‘The Wall Street Journal’
There has been great progress in gender equity in the last 10 years, but it has been slower than desirable, and the pandemic has created a greater sense of urgency
While the geopolitical situation hinders progress on the fight to contain global warming, the extreme temperatures that Europe and the US are experiencing show its rapid advance
She was part of Nayib Bukele’s legal team, then became an opposition candidate. In late 2021 she was forced to flee the country due to persecution by the government and its allies