IMF forecasts 8% economic contraction in Spain due to coronavirus crisis
The unemployment rate could soar to nearly 21%, according to the organization’s ‘World Economic Outlook’ report of April 2020
The unemployment rate could soar to nearly 21%, according to the organization’s ‘World Economic Outlook’ report of April 2020
Agencies have increased staff to process filings tied to temporary layoff schemes in a bid to start paying benefits by early May
El Roto cartoon, April 14, 2020
In around 130,000 of confirmed Covid-19 infections the source of contagion is unknown, raising alarm that the virus is being transmitted by mild cases in self-isolation
New infections came in on Tuesday at 3,045, a rise of 1.8% on yesterday’s total and the lowest rate seen since the crisis began.
Youngsters are suffering from anxiety, stress and weight problems, experts warn, with no clear date in sight for relaxation of the confinement