Colau gets down to work as Barcelona mayor by stopping an eviction
Ex-Mortgage Victims Platform activist phones up bank manager to request a stay
Ex-Mortgage Victims Platform activist phones up bank manager to request a stay
Corruption scandals have spawned a spring of discontent in Central America
Guillermo Zapata, from new party Ahora Madrid, had only been in role 48 hours He became caught up in controversy over offensive jokes he had posted in 2011
Law allowing Spaniards to assign 0.7% of tax payment to Vatican discriminatory, they argue
Top State Department official meets with controversial National Assembly speaker in Haiti
Guillermo Zapata tweeted offensive messages in 2011 making fun of the Holocaust
Universities are coming up with great ideas, but struggle to adapt them to the market
The Socialists and emerging party Podemos reach pacts wherever possible PM Mariano Rajoy sends out tweet with veiled criticism of “sectarian” agreements