Bank of Spain approves funding plans for troubled lenders
Government admits claim Chinese fund was ready to invest in beleaguered cajas was wrong
Government admits claim Chinese fund was ready to invest in beleaguered cajas was wrong
Schalke's demolition of Inter keeps chances of number 7 playing old team alive
Even members of own Popular Party attack Gallardón's proposal, which some say is reminiscent of Franco-era hard line
Telecoms giant also wants to align wages to productivity
Supreme Court is to hear the case of alleged illegal wiretaps before that of Franco-era crimes
Works by the Catalan have taken over London's Tate Modern, in a retrospective that includes more than 150 pieces and examines the ethical commitment of the artist
The Catalan parliament has rejected a law that would pave the way toward independence
"Greedy" baby has been successful in home country, but is meeting a media storm abroad