
New York City releases video on how to survive a nuclear attack

The PSA has drawn derision over its cheery tone and triggered puzzled reactions regarding the reasons behind the initiative

The city of New York has shared a guide on what to do if there is a nuclear attack.Photo: REUTERS | Video: REUTERS
El País

Although authorities consider the probability of a nuclear attack to be “very low,” New York City’s Emergency Management department has created a citizen’s guide on how to act in the event of a nuclear attack. Although there are many recommendations, the public service announcement has summarized them in three main steps: Get Inside, Stay Inside and Stay Tuned.

“There are three important steps that I want you to remember,” the video’s host says. “Step one: get inside, fast. You, your friends, your family … get inside. And, no, staying in the car is not an option. You need to get into a building and move away from the windows.”

The PSA has drawn widespread reaction on social media, ranging from derision over the strangely cheery tone of the host (who starts off with: “So there’s been a nuclear attack. Don’t ask me how or why, just know that the big one has hit. Ok?”) to puzzlement and concern as to the reasons behind the release of the video. Even politicians have weighed in.

The NYC Emergency Management said in a press release that “while the likelihood of a nuclear weapon incident occurring in/near New York City is very low, it is important New Yorkers know the steps to stay safe.” But many concerned citizens are wondering why this is coming up now.

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