
How to ask AI to help you at work

Including background information and asking it to put itself in the shoes of an expert on the subject, or specifying the structure you are looking for, are some of the essential keys to ensuring that the response is complete and tailored to what you need

The ChatGPT app for iPhone displaying a notification with updates to the latest version of OpenAI's generative AI engine.
The ChatGPT app for iPhone displaying a notification with updates to the latest version of OpenAI's generative AI engine.NurPhoto (NurPhoto via Getty Images)
Laura Pajuelo

Using a generative artificial intelligence model like Gemini, ChatGPT or Copilot doesn’t seem difficult: no matter what question you ask, it will always answer. It’s a different matter whether or not you get exactly the answer you need. Because it’s not the same thing to ask it to “write a text about the possibilities of AI” or “prepare a detailed guide on how to use AI in the business environment, which will be published in a general media outlet.”

The key lies precisely in the way these questions are asked. They are what are known as prompts, and they are essential to defining the tone, style and detail of the texts, images or presentations generated by an AI. It is not a simple task; in fact, there are already courses dedicated entirely to teaching people how to do it. What are the keys?

For a prompt to be complete, it is recommended that it include six essential elements, which serve both to provide context for the AI and to clearly identify the objective of the request. The general rule is to always be as specific as possible. Instead of saying “describe a tree,” the ideal would be “describe the physical and environmental characteristics of a tree located in a park in a large city.”

That said, the essential thing would be:

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