Spain arrests man for sexually assaulting his baby girl and offering her to strangers for sex

The mother was also arrested for exchanging child pornography files with the father

A screenshot showing the police search of the house.Policía Nacional

Spain’s National Police have arrested a man in Madrid who allegedly sexually assaulted his months-old baby daughter and offered her to strangers for sex. According to police, the suspect also filmed the abuse, and used different social networks, as well as instant messaging services, to download and share the contents. The baby’s mother — who was also arrested — held conversations with her partner in which they exchanged child pornography, Spain’s National Police said in a press release.

Officers in Spain’s Central Cybercrime Unit — which patrols the web and social networks in collaboration with the U.S. Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) — detected that a person was sharing images of young children being sexually exploited on social media. The investigators, through various efforts, were able to identify the man and investigate his personal circumstances. They discovered that he had just had a daughter with his partner.

After collecting further evidence and discovering that the man had previously been arrested for similar abuse, the officers requested a search warrant of his apartment, where he lived with his partner and their child. According to the press release, once inside the home, they saw that he not only had downloaded child pornography, he had also shared it with third parties. The home was in a terrible state, and the agents reported the case to social services in the Madrid region, which withdrew custody from the parents a few weeks later.

When analyzing the material seized at the home, officers found videos showing the man sexually assaulting his daughter. They also uncovered multiple conversations in which he offered the baby to third parties for sex. The child’s mother was also arrested, as she allegedly exchanged child pornography files with her partner, the little girl’s father. After being brought to justice, the man was sentenced to pre-trial detention.

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