Spain’s Health Ministry reports 25 coronavirus deaths in last week and 155 infections in 24 hours

The regions of Madrid and Catalonia saw the majority of new cases, with 69% of total positives. Medical staff account for one in five contagions since the epidemic began

A local police officer in Madrid is tested for the coronavirusMADRID CITY HALL HANDOUT (EFE)
Madrid -

The Spanish Health Ministry on Friday evening reported that there had been 25 coronavirus-related deaths in the last week. However, the ministry is still yet to update the total number of Covid-19 fatalities, a full 19 days after having changed the way that it reports the data. The death toll from the pandemic in Spain remains at 27,136.

The 25 fatalities in the previous seven days represents a fall from the same figure as reported on Thursday, which came in at 32. The ministry reported no coronavirus deaths in the previous 24 hours, as was the case during previous days this week. The ministry also reported 155 new infections detected via PCR tests in the last 24 hours, which was one fewer than the previous day.

Spain is fifth in the world in terms of total cases, behind the United States, Brazil, Russia and the United Kingdom

In total, there have been 243,209 confirmed coronavirus infections since the crisis began, putting Spain fifth in the world in terms of total cases, behind the United States, Brazil, Russia and the United Kingdom.

Once again, Madrid and Catalonia were the regions with the highest number of new cases, with 74 and 33, respectively. Between the two, they account for 69% of the positives detected in the previous 24 hours. The Valencia region registered nine cases, Aragón eight, the Balearics and Andalusia five, Asturias and Navarre four, La Rioja three, Castilla y León, Galicia, Canaries and the Basque Country two, and Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura one. Cantabria, Ceuta, Melilla and Murcia reported no new cases.

Friday’s data from the Health Ministry also included information on contagions among health staff. Between May 11 and June 11 there were 1,429 positives among medical staff, most of them – 411 – in Catalonia. In Madrid there were 288 over the same time frame, with 269 in Castilla-La Mancha, and 99 in Castilla y León. In total, 51,849 health workers have been infected with the coronavirus up to June 11, the equivalent of one in every five cases in Spain.

According to Friday’s figures, there were 1,995 positive cases detected in the last seven days, down by 21 compared to Thursday’s figure. Of these, 644 were detected in Madrid and 630 in Catalonia.

The rate of cases diagnosed per 100,000 inhabitants over the last seven days came in at 4.24 on a national level, with huge differences according to territory. Melilla’s rate was zero, that’s to say there were no new cases in the last week. Galicia came in at 0.48 per 100,000 inhabitants. In harder-hit areas, however, such as Madrid and Catalonia, the figure was 9.66 and 8.21, respectively.

English version by Simon Hunter.

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