Spain’s regions report 2,053 new coronavirus cases in a week, up 87 from day before

The data reported by the Health Ministry on Sunday, which is still being revised, showed one new fatality with 71 assigned to previous dates

Beachgoers in Málaga, southern Spain on Sunday.Daniel Pérez (EFE)

The series of data that the Spanish Health Ministry is supplying on a daily basis about the ongoing coronavirus crisis in the country continues to reflect the updates that the regions and the ministry itself are making to the figures now that the worst of the epidemic is over, and the historical series can be revised. The data includes the number of cases diagnosed, fatalities, hospitalizations and intensive care unit (ICU) admissions where a PCR test has confirmed a case of the Covid-19 disease.

Fernando Simón, the director of the Health Ministry’s Coordination Center for Health Alerts, and the visible face of the crisis, did not give a press conference over the weekend. But the previous times he spoke he insisted that the key indicator at this stage of the situation is to focus on the accumulated figures over the last seven days in order to glean a clear idea of the current picture.

According to the latest figures, there were 15 ICU admissions in the last seven days

According to the figures that were released on Sunday evening by the ministry, there were 2,053 new cases in the last seven days, up 87 from the same figure reported on Saturday, but in line with the falling trend seen in recent days: 2,177 on Friday, 2,276 on Thursday and 2,376 on Wednesday.

Looking at the daily figures, there were 239 more cases in a day, of which 102 corresponded to the previous 24 hours, i.e. Saturday. This figure fell compared to the previous day’s data supplied by the ministry.

The same double accounting must be applied to another key indicator, the number of fatalities. Sunday’s report contained just one new extra death corresponding to the previous 24 hours, with 71 assigned to previous dates. In total, the Health Ministry has confirmed 27,136 coronavirus-related fatalities since the crisis began.

The situation in Spain’s ICUs remains very stable. In the report released on Saturday, which contains data for the previous 24 hours, i.e. Friday, there were 15 ICU admissions in the last seven days, while the report corresponding to Saturday showed 14. Most were registered in Castilla-La Mancha, which had four. A total of 11,608 people in Spain have needed ICU care since the crisis began.

In terms of hospitalizations, there were 21 according to Sunday’s report, with 148 added to other dates. Since the pandemic began, there have been a total of 124,323 coronavirus patients who have received hospital care.

English version by Simon Hunter.

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