
Interactive map: How far can children go under Spain’s relaxed confinement measures?

Look up your street address to find out what falls within a one-kilometer radius of your home, which is the limit set for accompanied walks with under-14s

Jacinto Corral Ignacio Povedano
Madrid -

Starting Sunday, children in Spain under the age of 14 will be able to go out for accompanied walks within a one-kilometer radius of their homes. That’s according to the government order on the relaxation of confinement measures for children published on Saturday in the Official State Gazette (BOE)

According to the BOE, children “under the age of 14” will be allowed to go out with an adult for “a daily walk of a maximum duration of one hour and a distance of no more than one kilometer from the minor’s home, between 9am and 9pm.”

Youngsters who are 14 and over are not included in these provisions

Youngsters who are 14 and over are not included in these provisions, but may go out on the same essential errands allowed for adults, such as trips to the supermarket. Earlier this week, the government had said that children up to and including 14-year-olds would be allowed out on walks.

The order states that children can be accompanied by any adult “who currently lives in the same home as the boy or girl, or who is employed to take care of the minor.” In the case of the latter, the person must have written authorization.

Under the new rules, an adult can go out onto the street with as many as three children. Trips to parks that are open are allowed, but children can not play on the swings or go to “recreational or sporting areas.” Madrid City Hall has confirmed that the Casa de Campo and Madrid Río public parks will remain closed.

The order adds that children presenting coronavirus symptoms must not leave their homes.

Interactive map

Look up your street address in the interactive map above find out what falls within a one-kilometer radius of your home. Once you find your address, the map will outline how far you can go with children under the new rules. Click here if you cannot see the map.

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