Pokémon frenzy crushes the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam
Large crowds eager to get a free Pikachu card imitating the painter’s famous self-portrait overwhelmed the gallery
Large crowds eager to get a free Pikachu card imitating the painter’s famous self-portrait overwhelmed the gallery
Two of the world’s most important museums have organized exhibits that depict the artist’s final productive burst in which he painted 124 works; many of them reflected his obsession with cypress trees
‘Water Serpents II’ survived Nazi looting and ended up in the hands of an anonymous owner
The court granted an injunction Monday and ordered the Detroit Institute of Arts to continue to hold onto the painting while the case is pending
The museum hasn’t publicly disclosed how it obtained the painting for the show, saying only that it came from Brazil
People once looked to paintings and books for vacation ideas, but now tourism offices are capitalizing on the popularity of major film and television productions
Attorneys for Brazilian collector Gustavo Soter filed a complaint last week, declaring that he bought the painting in 2017 for $3.7 million but hadn’t been able to locate it