The re-election of Democratic senators in four key states confirms Harris’ weakness against the Trump brand
Democratic Senate candidates win in Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada and Arizona despite the vice president’s setback in these territories
Democratic Senate candidates win in Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada and Arizona despite the vice president’s setback in these territories
The restrictions imposed on Moscow have reduced its military capacity, but after almost two years they have not caused the bankruptcy predicted by the West
In a speech in Arizona, the president warned of the danger to American institutions and the U.S. Constitution posed by the former president and his ‘extremist movement’
More than a dozen high-profile Republicans are looking to New Hampshire to help stop Trump’s march toward a third consecutive Republican presidential nomination
The 2008 financial crisis unleashed a political realignment that rejected perceived elites and establishment figures
My immigrant story is not a very traditional story but, ultimately, it is one more page in the book that we are writing here in the United States
The failed 2008 vice presidential candidate is hoping to be elected to the House of Representatives on November 8 with the support of Donald Trump