Vice President Harris says she’s ‘scared as heck’ that Donald Trump could win
The vice president is scheduled to begin a series of events focused on abortion in Wisconsin, a key battleground state
The vice president is scheduled to begin a series of events focused on abortion in Wisconsin, a key battleground state
Trump, who won the Iowa caucuses on Monday, remains on the Maine ballot for the March 5 primary for now
A jury last year already found that Trump sexually abused her and defamed her in October 2022
The caucuses in Iowa have confirmed the real estate magnate’s enormous power and the narrowing opportunities to prevent his nomination
The likelihood of Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley pulling off a surprise win has fallen after the former president defeated them by more than 30 points
The banking industry is gearing up to fight back with a multimillion-dollar marketing and lobbying campaign
The roughly $78 billion in tax cuts would be paid for by more quickly ending a tax break Congress approved during the Covid-19 pandemic
This is the penalty phase of a civil defamation trial stemming from columnist E. Jean Carroll’s claims he sexually attacked her in a department store dressing room
DeSantis, who ultimately ended up beating her for second place in Iowa, is the only candidate committed to Thursday’s event
The storms and frigid temperatures affected everything from air travel to NFL playoff games to Iowa’s presidential caucuses, and were also the cause of several deaths around the country
The results are just the first in what will be a months-long effort for the former president to secure the nomination a third consecutive time. But they send an unmistakable message to the GOP that it is his to lose
Candidates are making a final push to mobilize their supporters amid fears of a low turnout at the start of the primaries due to the winter storm battering the state
The role of the military in particular has come under scrutiny as former President Donald Trump runs to reclaim the White House and has laid out an aggressive agenda should he win
Each of the more than half-dozen Iowans who were interviewed in line were adamant about their plans to support Trump and had considered no other candidate
Republicans and Democrats have been introducing changes to their primary process, with the two parties following different rules and calendars
The excitement of the first round of the Republican primaries, which is being held on Monday despite a record-breaking storm, is focused on the duel between Trump’s best positioned rivals
The former president wants to knock out his rivals Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley before either can be perceived as a real alternative
Some fear the controversy will hurt the party’s ambitions to make inroads with nonwhite voters who may be repelled by minimizing the historical atrocity of slavery
Elderly Iowans, the backbone of the caucus, are wondering how they will make it to their sites Monday. Political types are mentally downgrading their expected turnout and wondering who a smaller, harder-core electorate will favor
Former US President shared a story from a right-wing website that often spreads misinformation that claimed James visited the White House three times
The spotlight will be on each week’s major developments on the campaign trail or the potential impacts of the various Trump prosecutions, attempting to provide a snapshot of the country’s political climate at each given moment
Former US President claimed he was ‘an innocent man’ and was ‘being persecuted by someone running for office’
The former president skipped the last Republican debate before the Iowa caucus and instead attended a comfortable town hall event aired on Fox News
He made the announcement Wednesday night at a town hall in New Hampshire just hours before the fifth debate of the 2024 election cycle kicked off without him
Trump is threatening on the campaign trail to undo the Biden administration’s work on former President Barack Obama’s signature health care law
Going after an official for a policy dispute, in this instance over the claim that Mayorkas is not upholding immigration laws, is unprecedented
Former US president’s lawyers had signaled Thursday that he planned to take the extraordinary step of delivering a summation personally