Known on the streets as tranq, it is an animal sedative that causes severe skin wounds. Dealers mix it with the opiate to make it cheaper and to prolong its effects
The Treasury Department alleges that Joaquín Guzmán López trafficked fentanyl and other drugs into the United States. He is the fourth son of ‘El Chapo’ to face sanctions
A lawyer for the Guzmán family shared a statement with Mexican television in which the heirs of ‘El Chapo’ claim they are ‘victims of persecution’ because of their notorious father
Anne Milgram said the criminal organization was operating in more than 40 countries, and had become more ‘ruthless’ since it was taken over by the sons of Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán
The DEA spent $4.7 million on “strategic planning and communication” and other contracts to hire people Milgram knew from her days as New Jersey’s attorney general and as a law professor
Lack of access will be the unintended result of a federal move to roll back online prescribing of potentially addictive drugs allowed during the COVID-19 pandemic
A federal watchdog is investigating whether the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration under chief Anne Milgram improperly awarded millions of dollars in no-bid contracts to hire her past associates
According to leaked documents accessed by ‘The Washington Post,’ authorities in the United States wiretapped conversations between members of the criminal organization, who were suspected of kidnapping the tourists
Much of the 50-page report outlines the agency’s sprawling, 69-country “foreign footprint,” while lauding its efforts to plug gaping holes in the oversight of undercover money laundering operations and special vetted units overseas
U.S. overdose deaths hit a record in 2021, about three-quarters of those from opioids during a crisis that was first spun into the making by drug makers