Cuba sentences 22-year-old mother to 15 years in prison for publishing videos of protests
Mayelín Rodríguez Prado was arrested after uploading images to Facebook of a small demonstration in Nuevitas in August 2022
Mayelín Rodríguez Prado was arrested after uploading images to Facebook of a small demonstration in Nuevitas in August 2022
In addition to receiving acclaim for playing characters such as Marilyn Monroe, the Cuban actress has taken on roles in action films alongside Chris Evans and Ryan Gosling
The Cuban government and the Kremlin reject the information published by the independent Russian media ‘The Insider’ in collaboration with Germany’s ‘Der Spiegel’ and the American TV news program ‘60 Minutes’
Haitians would like to protest as the Cubans do, but they have no one to complain to. The lack of a state can be as devastating as its excess
‘Unlike China and Russia, we consider that civil society and a free media are indispensable, especially now, as in the last decade support for democracy has declined,’ says the diplomat in conversation with EL PAÍS
An investigation reveals the impunity that the four victims, two of them Spanish, allegedly suffered while studying at the International School of Film and Television
They do not have refugee status in the South American country and are unable to renounce their asylum application to apply for permanent residency, according to organizations
The singer, who died last February, is key to understanding the island’s past, present and future
The massive mobilizations last weekend on the island are the response to citizens’ fatigue in the face of rampant shortages. The Government puts patches on discontent and looks for culprits in the United States
There is so far no confirmation of how many people were arrested at Sunday’s protests, where crowds of Cubans came out to the streets to demand ‘freedom,’ ‘electricity’ and ‘food’
Sunday’s mobilization in Santiago de Cuba is the largest since the July 2021 protests that were quelled with hundreds of arrests
The World Food Program has already transported a shipment of 144 tons of skimmed milk powder in a context of deep economic crisis in the country
Manuel Rocha, 73, told a federal judge he would admit to two federal counts of conspiring to act as an agent of a foreign government, charges that carry a maximum penalty of between 5 and 10 years in prison each
A radical Islamist militia said that the men kidnapped in Kenya five years ago died in a U.S. drone strike, but the Cuban government has yet to confirm this
State Department adviser Richard Visek spoke on the third day of hearings at the court into a request by the General Assembly for a non-binding advisory opinion on the legality of Israel’s policies in the occupied territories
Is abortion a choice or a political issue in Cuba? The current Cuban Penal Code assumes it as a crime when it is carried out without the consent of the mother
Exile has been a substantial part of Cuba since the nation’s origins, but the current wave of migration appears to be the largest in history
The dismissal of Alejandro Gil fuels speculation that the government is seeking scapegoats for drastic price hikes and stagnant reforms
Abdul Zahir Saber and Abdul Karim were released as a result of the efforts made by the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Taliban interior ministry spokesman Abdul Mateen Qani said
On the island, ‘Palestinian’ is used to refer to anyone born in the country’s eastern provinces. The term is often used to describe outsiders
The country’s government has enacted desperate measures in another attempt to revive the island’s moribund economy
In an upcoming book, the released German-Colombian former drug lord addresses dirty money in political campaigns, the pacts made between the Medellín Cartel and the guerrillas, as well as the complicity of the governments of Nicaragua, Cuba and Panama in the drug trade
Four decades have passed since Brian de Palma’s classic was released, surrounded by controversy and bad reviews, before it became a cult object
A liter of regular gas will rise from $0.20 to $1.10, and this is just one of the measures planned for this year, along with hikes to electricity, water and public transit
Three decades after its release, the subjects discussed in the film that opened the minds of Cubans to homosexual relationships continue to spark debate
Mi Salsa Kitchen — one of the most popular Cuban restaurants in New York over the last couple of years — died just when it was coming alive. Mainly a space for music, it didn’t manage to make a profit
In one of Latin America’s chief host countries for migrants and refugees, foreigners must contend with bureaucracy and job insecurity as they dream of being reunited with their relatives