
US reinforces military presence in Middle East as Israel launches ground incursion in southern Lebanon

Washington will have about 43,000 troops in the area once the new personnel arrive, according to Pentagon officials

U.S. military personnel in the Middle East.Europa Press/Contacto/Spc. Jensen Guillory/Planetp (Europa Press)
Macarena Vidal Liy

As Israel took the final steps to launch its ground incursion in southern Lebanon, the United States announced it was sending several thousand soldiers and more fighter planes to reinforce its military presence in the Middle East. The objective, according to Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh, is to protect the American forces already deployed in the region and if necessary, to defend Israel.

Washington currently has about 40,000 troops in the Middle East, and after the arrival of the new personnel, that number will rise to about 43,000, according to Pentagon officials. Since the start of the war in Gaza in October last year, the Defense Department has had as many as 50,000 troops in the area, when two aircraft carriers were simultaneously deployed in the region’s waters.

On Sunday, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in a statement that “should Iran, its partners, or its proxies use this moment to target American personnel or interests in the region, the United States will take every necessary measure to defend our people.”

This is the current distribution of U.S. forces in the Middle East:

Military personnel: In normal times, the United States maintains about 34,000 troops in the area of responsibility of the Central Command, which is responsible for the Middle East, with bases in Iraq, Syria, Jordan and other points in the region. Since the beginning of the war, it has reinforced this presence to try to deter an expansion of the conflict, protect the forces already deployed there, contribute to the defense of Israel and participate in an evacuation if necessary.

Warships: The aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln is in the Gulf of Oman. This floating fortress and its escort group were scheduled to return to base in October, but Austin has ordered its mission extended for another month.

A second aircraft carrier, the Harry Truman, is on its way to the eastern Mediterranean after leaving its base in Norfolk, Virginia, a week ago. Since the crisis began a year ago, the United States has had at least one aircraft carrier in the area to increase its deterrence against possible attempts by Iran or its allied militias to launch large-scale attacks against Israel.

The Pentagon has also confirmed that its nuclear-powered submarine Georgia is currently in the Red Sea. Also stationed in the Middle East is the amphibious assault ship WASP, along with two escort ships and three destroyers. The WASP formation is manned by 4,500 sailors and marines and is equipped with around 30 aircraft and helicopters.

Air Force: Since August, the Pentagon has had four squadrons of F-22 fighters in the Middle East. Previously, it had F-15 Strike Eagles, F-16s and A-10s in the area. Monday’s announcement includes the dispatch of additional F-22s, F-15s and F-16s, Singh said. Initially, these planes were intended to replace those already deployed in the area, but the new instructions have ordered the first group to extend its mission, which will double American air power in the area.

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