UFOs land in the Mexican Congress: Scientists and pilots recount their experiences of ‘anomalous phenomena’

Experts from several countries are calling on governments to share the information that they have in their possession regarding non-human intelligence and technology, for the progress of science and knowledge

Mexican ufologist and TV journalist Jaime Maussan presents the body of an alleged “non-human being” from Nazca, Peru, at a congressional hearing in Mexico City on September 12, 2023.Cuartoscuro

UFOs are dominating the public sphere in several countries. There have been so many documented sightings of abnormal phenomena never seen before that experts are turning to governments, demanding that they share this information with scientists and society, for “for the advancement of knowledge.”

“We’re not alone,” was a phrase that was repeated in the Mexican Congress this past Tuesday, during a public hearing that brought together researchers of these sightings from several countries. These strange apparitions are very fashionable lately.

Pilots and air traffic controllers — who call themselves “privileged witnesses” — as well as astronomers from universities such as Harvard and experts and politicians from Japan, Argentina, France, Brazil, and Peru offered up their testimonies. They highlighted the “frustration, harassment and threats” received by those who dare to report these inexplicable findings in the airspace or sea surface, among other places.

The U.S. has had a situation — led by former pilot Ryan Graves, who participated in similar parliamentary sessions in the United States — where the same thing was requested: that authorities grant citizens the right to access the available documents on the phenomena. The potential danger to commercial and military aircraft due to these objects — “of strange technology and composition” — has also been raised, particularly since they defy the known laws of physics.

Mexican TV journalist Jaime Maussan Flota — a well-known ufologist, who was in charge of conducting the public hearing in Mexico’s Congress — recalled how a colleague from his student days (now an air traffic controller) often called him to say: “Do you know that here, in the control tower, everyone laughs at you?” That was a long time ago… until the calls from this friend began to change in tone: “What the hell is going on? These objects move everywhere, what do we do? We have them on the radar.”

Maussan offered up this anecdote before introducing his friend Enrique Kolbeck Vergara, who has 48 years of experience as a pilot and air traffic controller. He detailed four events (with no apparent explanation) that occurred in Mexico and severely affected commercial navigation. The first — the Mazatlán case, in 1975 — was when 13 aircraft were flying and one of them was intercepted by an unidentified flying object that forced it to change its route. The presence and closeness was such that, practically, the object “accompanied the plane from air to land. Everyone saw it,” Kolbeck Vergara noted.

In July 1994, Kolbeck Vergara continued, an Aeroméxico plane that departed from Guadalajara was visited by two objects. There was an impact on the body of the plane, he recalled. 30 minutes earlier, several calls were received in the control tower from people related to aeronautics, who said that they saw the phenomenon occur over the sky of the World Trade Center in Mexico City. “The radar didn’t detect it, but the [object] could have hit the ground on Insurgentes Avenue, one of the most important avenues in the city,” the air traffic controller detailed.

The third case, he reported, occurred in the central Mexican city of Morelia, in October 2002: an “illicit interference” — in air navigation terms — appeared at the head of runway 23 and prevented a plane from taking off. “Pilots and controllers saw metallic-looking objects [65 feet] in diameter that were rising and falling slowly. There were 15 or 20 of them. The firefighters noticed it and so did the people. It was reported,” Kolbeck affirmed. The fearful pilot — when he was finally able to take off — warned the tower that “he had almost collided with some spheres on his way off the runway.”

The group of experts that spoke before Congress this Tuesday.Cámara de diputados

Finally, the controller recounted how a Mexican Air Force patrol targeting drug-trafficking operations and detecting clandestine runways — equipped with high-tech radar and equipment to detect heat — sighted a flying object that passed through the Gulf of Mexico, “intercepted the plane, surrounded it and abandoned it, in an operation that lasted for 30 minutes.”

“These aren’t myths or legends — phenomena like this are compromising the safety of airspace, with superior, distinct technologies. These are ships that, apparently, operate with a determined desire to navigate. They appear and disappear, they violate the laws and regulations,” warned Kolbeck Vergara, who had once mocked his ufologist friend from his tower.

Traditional UFOs are now called by the acronym UAP, for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena, and the interest in them is no longer limited to the general public. UAPs also concerns pilots, as well as some scientists. From Harvard University, astrophysicist Avi Loeb spoke to the congresspeople and guests via videoconference: “It’s arrogant to think that we’re alone in the universe. The existence of these [unknown] beings probably predates the human presence on Earth.”

Loeb directs the Galileo Project at Harvard. He spoke of the “documented” existence of products created by extraterrestrials that they have detected with acoustic microphones and infrared cameras, as well as through climate observation. He spoke of an object thrown by a mysterious force and “propelled by sunlight. Measuring [five feet], it collided with the Earth in 2014. It moved 95% faster than the stars and was made of a very strong material.” Next, his team collected 700 metal pieces of beryllium, lanthanum, and uranium — the same alloy detected along the path that the meteor followed from outside the solar system. “Share the information, it will be useful for our progress,” Loeb requested, speaking directly to national governments.

Similar suggestions were made by Japanese congressman Yoshiharu Asakawa, who complained about the lack of transparency in his country and the difficulties that he has faced while bringing up these issues in the political sphere. He noted the “substantial presence of UFOs over Japan.” Meanwhile, Rony Tadeu Vernet — from the Brazilian Center for Physical Research — recounted some of these phenomena, which are still hidden by the military. He requested that the world observe them “free of social and religious stigmas.” “It’s a global issue,” the Japanese politician agreed.

Representative Sergio Gutiérrez Luna — who oversaw the Mexican parliamentary session — was responsible for asking the speakers to stand and swear to tell the truth before beginning to offer their testimony. Then, Jaime Maussan took the lead. He explained how, in the United States, Democrats and Republicans promoted the initiative in Congress, where singular events were revealed — events that science has no explanation for. “This isn’t an issue of parties, but of humanity, which should unite us, not separate us.”

During the session, videos recorded by the Mexican Air Force in 2004 were projected, when the airplanes’ infrared cameras captured 11 flying objects that were perceived as balls of light, 100 miles off the Pacific coast. “We’re not alone. What a strange thing,” the pilots are heard saying.

Maussan offered up some key figures that, in his opinion, prevent us from denying extraterrestrial life, its intelligence and its possible interest in our planet: “There are trillions of galaxies in the universe and each one has 100 billion stars. Each one of them has at least one planet. So, we’re talking about 100 sextillion planets. We have to have the courage to accept that intelligent life visits us from the depths of the universe. We’re not alone — we must move towards a destination that will take us to the depths of the cosmos.”

Another curious occurrence of the day was made possible by a group of scientists. They presented some mummies from Nazca, Peru, exhibiting two of them in the Mexican Congress, to the delight of the photojournalists. They pointed out that the DNA of these bodies — dissected with diatomaceous earth — presents “a 30% difference compared to the human genetic material,” which shows that these mummies belong to another species.

The discovery of these bodies — which carbon-14 dating pegs at being more than 1,000-years-old — is one of the mysteries that divides the scientific community. The supposed bodies are humanoid in appearance, but their three-fingered hands and feet, strong and light bones, absence of teeth and stereoscopic vision give them characteristics typical of birds. With a retractable neck attached to the base of a fat head, the strangest thing about these beings is that some of them carry eggs with embryos inside, according to experts in Congress.

Another discovery that adds to the mystery are cadmium and osmium implants — the latter expensive, scarce and dense — which, today, are used for telecommunications and satellites. On top of this, the mummies’ fingerprints aren’t rounded, but are made up of straight, horizontal lines. “Whether they’re aliens or not, we don’t know. But they were intelligent, and they lived with us. That should be enough to rewrite history,” Maussan concluded.

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