Heat wave in Spain claims eight lives

Temperatures reached over 46ºC in some areas; meteorology service announces onset of cooler weather

Thermometer reads 44ºC in Córdoba.Rafa Alcaide (EFE)

The heat wave which hit Spain last Wednesday has claimed eight lives, according to the latest figures released on Tuesday afternoon.

Between Wednesday of last week and Monday, four people died in Extremadura, three in Catalonia and one in Murcia.

Homeless people during the heat wave in Madrid.Carlos Rosillo (EL PAÍS)

The heat wave has brought soaring temperatures with highs above 45ºC in the Guadalimar basin in Andalusia. The hottest temperatures were recorded on the fourth day of the heat wave with 46ºC in Badajoz and 46.6ºC in El Granada, Huelva, close to the border with Portugal.

The heat wave also broke records in Madrid for the highest minimum temperature. In the early hours of August 2 and 3, the Spanish capital registered 25.9ºC – the hottest night since 1920. The Barcelona-El Prat station, next to the airport, broke the record for the highest minimum temperature two days in a row: on August 4, the temperature was 27.2ºC and on August 5, it was 27.3ºC. The previous record of 26.8ºC was set in 2006.

Spain’s national weather service Aemet on Monday announced the end of the heat wave and forecast a gradual drop in temperatures.

Madrid recorded its hottest night since 1920

The Health Ministry keeps a database of heat-related deaths based on figures sent in by regional authorities. These records show that since June 1 there have been five fatalities from heat stroke.

English version by Melissa Kitson.

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