Video: Members of public try to assault Gabriel Cruz murder suspect

Dozens of people were waiting for Ana Julia Quezada outside her home while the Civil Guard were reconstructing events with the alleged child killer

Civil Guard officers escort Ana Julia Quezada.Photo: atlas | Video: ATLAS

Civil Guard officers who were escorting Ana Julia Quezada, the only suspect in the Gabriel Cruz murder investigation, were forced to intervene in Vícar (Almería) on Monday, as members of the public tried to assault the 43-year-old Dominican woman outside her home. The alleged killer of the eight-year-old boy was being taken to another property she shared with the victim’s father, Ángel Cruz, to take part in a reconstruction of events. Dozens of people congregated outside the apartment in Vícar, and there were moments of tension as she was escorted out of the building by Civil Guard officers. Several people tried to approach the suspect, forcing officers to intervene to protect her and to make way for the car in which she was being transported to leave the location, to shouts of “Murderer!” from the assembled crowd.

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