Civil Guard sings a ‘fandango’ to Catalan protestors outside his room

Officer comes up with novel response to nighttime harassment by pro-independence demonstrators

A Civil Guard serenades demonstrators under his accommodation.

The civil guards and National Police officers who have been deployed in Catalonia ahead of the illegal referendum on independence planned for October 1 are being subjected to harassment by groups of pro-secessionists, who are appearing at their accommodation and making noise during the night in a bid to keep them awake. The thousands of officers have been given strict instructions to keep calm and to not respond to provocations, whether they are at their lodgings or out on duty. But there are those who have chosen to ignore that order, such as this officer from the Seville Civil Guard, who responded to noisy pot-banging under his balcony at a hotel in Calella (Barcelona) by singing a flamenco song known as a fandango. The officer’s musical efforts served to stop the pot-banger from continuing making a noise and even elicited a few ¡Oles! from the assembled protestors.

English version by Simon Hunter.

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