
Pope Francis speaks to EL PAÍS

EL PAÍS will publish an exclusive wide-ranging interview with the Pontiff this Saturday

Pope Francis on Friday, during the interview with EL PAÍS.
Pope Francis on Friday, during the interview with EL PAÍS.L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO

At 10pm CET this Saturday (3pm in Mexico City, 4pm in Washington and 7pm in Sao Paulo), EL PAÍS will publish a wide-ranging interview with Pope Francis. The meeting, which lasted an hour and 15 minutes, took place yesterday in the Casa Santa Marta, in the Vatican, the Pontiff’s residence, at exactly the same time as the Donald Trump’s inauguration as president of the United States was taking place.

During his conversation with EL PAÍS, the first pope from the Americas in history discusses the most important issues of international current affairs: the victory of Trump, the rise of populism, the refugee situation, the crisis in Latin America and the role of women in the Church.

Pope Francis was chosen in March 2013. When he arrived at the Vatican he appeared as a humble parish priest who had arrived from the confines of the world to take care of a Church that was being rocked by internal scandals and threatened by the rise of protestantism in Latin America. Over recent years he has taken the reins of the institution with great vigor, and he has positioned himself as a unanimously respected point of reference the world over. His closeness, his ideas on several unorthodox cases with regard to the more traditional doctrine of the Church, and his concern over social issues, have converted his voice into one of the most-listened-to in the world, as much by believers as non-believers.

The interview will be published in three languages: Spanish, Portuguese and English.

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