August unemployment up by 14,435 people in Spain

But seasonally adjusted figures show a drop in jobless numbers, even as Social Security affiliations fell by 144,997 individuals

An unemployment office in Madrid.Reuters

Spain’s registered unemployment grew in August, going up by 14,435 people from the previous month.

This increase in joblessness is smaller than the figure for August 2015, but greater than for the same month in 2014 and 2013.

As of the end of August, the total number of people registered as unemployed in Spain was 3.69 million, according to the Labor Ministry.

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But August typically means job cuts in the hospitality industry as the tourist season starts to wind down.

Seasonally adjusted figures provide a more optimistic scenario, as the number of people out of a job actually fell by 24,462 individuals.

Meanwhile, there were 144.997 fewer contributors to the Social Security system, considered a measure of job creation. This was the biggest August drop since May 2008.

Broken down by sectors, most of the new jobs were in health and social services and the hospitality industry. Education, manufacturing and construction fell, although these activities typically pick up again in September.

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