
Dogs to be allowed on Madrid Metro during non-peak hours

Canine owners will be able to take their pets without restrictions during July and August

A woman walks her dog in Madrid.Susana Vera (Reuters)

Pet owners in Madrid will soon be able to take their dogs with them on the subway during non-peak hours and throughout the day on weekends without restrictions, Madrid’s regional premier Cristina Cifuentes announced on Tuesday.

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The Popular Party (PP) leader said at a news conference that the new rules will go into effect in about three months “but in any case before the summer.”

Currently, small dogs can be transported on the Madrid Metro system inside a pet carrier as long as they are not a nuisance and don’t bother other passengers.

Cifuentes explained that all dogs must have a chip and ride with their owners in the last train wagon. Only one pet will be permitted per passenger.

The restricted hours will be from 7.30-9.30am, 2pm-4pm and 6pm-8pm Monday through Friday.

Dogs will be allowed to board throughout the day on the weekends and every day in July and August.

Guide-dogs are exempt from the new regulations.

Dogs have been permitted in the Barcelona subway since 2014

During the campaign for local elections in May, Esperanza Aguirre, the PP president in Madrid who was running for mayor, said she supported people taking their dogs on the Metro and on board the city’s buses.

Madrid’s public EMT bus service allows small pets on board as long as they are inside a pet carrier and don’t cause harm to other passengers.

Since October 1, 2014, dogs have been allowed on Barcelona’s subway except for peak travel hours (7am-9.30pm and 5pm-7pm). They must, however, be on a leash and wear a muzzle.

There are no restrictions during the weekends.

English version by Martin Delfín.

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