Madrid asks London for new talks over the future of Gibraltar

The Rock’s chief minister asks Spain to drop “medieval claim” over the territory

Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel García-Margallo, whose department has issued a message to London.Zibi (EFE)

The Spanish government is asking London for “bilateral dialogue” in order to “find a definitive solution” to the ongoing conflict over Gibraltar.

We will never consent to the UK entering into any negotiations with Spain in respect of the sovereignty of Gibraltar”

Fabian Picardo administration

The petition was issued on Wednesday and came in the wake of a statement issued by Argentina that defended its own sovereignty over the disputed Falkland Islands.

Shortly after Madrid made its request, the Gibraltar executive said it would “never consent to the United Kingdom entering into any process of talks, discussions or negotiations with Spain in respect of the sovereignty of Gibraltar.”

On Sunday, Argentina’s foreign ministry issued a release defending its own sovereignty over the Atlantic archipelago, which is known as Las Malvinas in Spanish, 183 years after Britain’s “usurpation.”

The new administration of President Mauricio Macri wants bilateral negotiations of its own with Britain to resolve the ongoing dispute “in the shortest possible period and in a fair and definitive manner.”

On Wednesday, the Spanish foreign ministry said it shared Argentina’s position.

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“Similarly, Spain, in observance of United Nations dispositions, has been reiterating to Britain its desire to establish talks for the resolution of the dispute over Gibraltar.”

Just hours later, the administration of Gibraltar Chief Minister Fabian Picardo published a note titled “Gibraltar’s Sovereignty is not a Matter for Discussion.” The release said that Gibraltar would like for Spain to “finally come into the 21st century and abandon its medieval claim” over the territory.

English version by Susana Urra.