Worst weekend of the year so far sees 20 deaths on Spain’s roads

National traffic authority reports a total of 15 incidents Four adults killed and two children seriously injured after vehicle veers off road in Granada

Fire crews try to free the bodies from the wreckage of the accident that took place in Granada on Saturday.Imagen cedida por Ideal de Granada

The past weekend proved the worst of the year so far in terms of traffic accidents, with 20 deaths on the roads reported by Spain’s DGT traffic authority. What’s more, from the 15 incidents recorded over the weekend, eight people have been hospitalized with serious injuries.

The worst accident took place on Saturday, when four adults died and two children were seriously injured when the vehicle in which they were traveling rolled over, after leaving the road near the town of Albolote, in Granada.

Saturday also featured the highest number of incidents, with nine killed and three injured in a total of five accidents. On Sunday, eight people were killed and five injured in seven incidents, and on Friday three died in as many accidents.

Out of the 20 victims, two were motorcyclists and three cyclists. From the 15 accidents on the highways, six vehicles left the road, there were six collisions and three people were hit by vehicles.

The 20 accidents took place between 3pm on Friday and midnight on Sunday. The number of victims is not definitive, given that the DGT includes deaths resulting from injuries during the 24 hours after the weekend within its final figures.