
Those who sowed the seeds of doubt after the Madrid bombings have never apologized, not even to the victims

It is not true that it’s taken 10 years to learn the truth about the Madrid bombings of March 11, 2004. The most relevant truth was known immediately after the fact. Nobody with the least decency and access to information harbored any doubts, 24 hours later, that this was an attack perpetrated by radical Islam against all citizens.

Later, a group of journalists picked out from the trash, at the service of resentful politicians without scruples, spent their time sowing the seeds of doubt that created nationwide confusion and, above all else, ensured that the victims would have to go through an endless hell.

The testimony provided by judges Baltasar Garzón and Javier Gómez Bermúdez; by numerous police officials, and now also by a great researcher and expert on terrorism, Fernando Reinares, who has written a superb book, ¡Matadlos! (Kill them), have cleared up all doubts and shed light on the details of the Jihadist conspiracy. By virtue of elimination, it has also brought to the fore details of the manipulation by those who sought to utilize the massacre in a disgusting bid to discredit their political rivals.

Details of the manipulation by those who sought to discredit their political rivals has also come to the fore"

They all have names and none of them have apologized, least of all to the victims. They are the journalist Federico Jiménez Losantos, former El Mundo editor Pedro J. Ramírez, former Popular Party government spokesman Eduardo Zaplana, former Interior Minister Ángel Acebes, and more. Some are keeping quiet, others are still piping up. Popular Party secretary general María Dolores de Cospedal and Madrid regional premier Ignacio González, for example, now admit that there has been a serious court ruling after a serious trial. But they still let it be known that new information could turn up, which they would certainly be receptive to, of course.

In a way, I understand their position.

It’s normal. I have no information about whether Cospedal, González or former head of the Spanish bishops Antonio María Rouco Varela, who has jumped on the bandwagon, are somehow involved in human trafficking. But I hold the same position: let’s see whether new information emerges.