Soldiers of faith
Their murderous enthusiasm is what sets jihadists apart from our own soldiers
Their murderous enthusiasm is what sets jihadists apart from our own soldiers
Those who sowed the seeds of doubt after the Madrid bombings have never apologized, not even to the victims
Economic gurus never tire of reminding our prime minister and his team that they must not give way to the euphoria of believing that the crisis is on the wane
The continent this Spaniard wanted to see had little to do with what he himself had long struggled for
Being able to walk around without fear of a bullet in the back of the head is welcome, but things are still far from normal since the ETA ceasefire
The state envisaged by the justice minister guarantees the right to birth, but not to a decent life
Does Spain have its foreign policies worked out? If we look at the countries theoretically closest to us, such as those in Latin America, the answer seems to be a resounding no
It has been some time since Europe has seen such general mediocrity in its political leaders, and such a show of moral cowardice and democratic deficit
Rajoy’s government does have a plan, but it is too ugly to adorn any electoral platform