
Teacher who faces sex abuse charges ordered into custody

Andrés Díez arrested after 10 students, aged from 10 to 17, filed complaints against him

F. Javier Barroso

A music and philosophy teacher who is accused of sex abuse against his students was denied bail Friday after he made an initial appearance before a judge, judicial sources said.

Andrés Díez Díez, who teaches at Madrid's Valdeluz Agustinos school, was remanded into preventive custody by Judge Hermeneglido Barrera Aguirre.

Díez was arrested on Tuesday after 10 students, aged from 10 to 17, filed complaints against him, accusing him of sexual abuse and rape. The teacher appeared before the Madrid provincial court where he began giving his statement at around 11.30am. After the three-hour hearing, Judge Barrera ordered him into custody after ruling that his alleged crimes over the past eight years are severe. Police are continuing their investigation at the school to determine if there are more victims. Díez also taught at school's music conservatory, where investigators believe he also allegedly abused his students.

In a statement, the school said that director Eustaquio Iglesias and music department head Juan José de Cossío had both resigned.

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