
One-year prison sentence for 21-year-old Twitter user who glorified terrorists

Alba González Camacho posted "highly radicalized and violent" content

Alba González Camacho in court on Tuesday.
Alba González Camacho in court on Tuesday. Juan Carlos Hidalgo (EFE)

A 21-year-old who used her Twitter account to praise the communist armed group GRAPO has been slapped with a one-year jail sentence for glorifying terrorism.

But Alba González Camacho will not be going to prison unless she commits a new crime, under the terms of the settlement between her defense and the attorney's office.

"The PP [governing Popular Party] taught me that there is still a great need for the GRAPO," read one of González Camacho's tweets, published on July 18, 2012.

The First of October Anti-Fascist Resistance Group [GRAPO] was a Maoist terrorist organization in the late 1970s and early 1980s that carried out over 80 assassinations. Although it never officially disbanded, it has been inactive for years after losing social support.

Andrea Fabra, I hope the GRAPO come and bring you to your knees"

González Camacho, who uses the pseudonym @albacorazonegro, is a very active Twitter user, with over 6,700 tweets to her name and nearly 7,500 followers. Her profile now shows a background photograph of Che Guevara, but for months she had the GRAPO anagram in its place.

The attorney said that González Camacho routinely published "messages with an ideological content that was highly radicalized and violent."

Other tweets included: "Andrea Fabra I hope the GRAPO come and bring you to your knees," a reference to a PP deputy who was caught saying "Que se jodan [Screw them]" during a congressional debate about budget cuts and the unemployed.

González Camacho has defined herself as "a subversive," someone "with a heart darker than night but a soul red like blood."

Her messages also made reference to the Basque terrorist group ETA: "ETA, since you have laid down your weapons you might give them to us, we need them."

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