Professional pianist who faced jail term for noise pollution acquitted

Laia Martín and her parents were looking at sentences of up to seven-and-a-half years

Laia M. (l) appeared in a Girona court with her parents to answer charges of “acoustic contamination” filed by prosecutors. PERE DURAN

Professional pianist Laia Martín was on Tuesday absolved of charges of creating noise pollution and causing psychological distress to her former neighbor by playing her instrument eight hours a day, five days a week.

Both Martín and her parents, who had been accused as accessories and were also absolved, had faced jail terms of up to seven-and-a-half years.

The Girona court ruled that the allegations were “absolutely void of basis,” and accused the neighbor in the town of Puigcerdà who presented the complaint of having exaggerated her testimony. She claimed to have suffered hearing damage.

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