
King Juan Carlos leaves hospital five days after hip surgery

Monarch had temporary prosthesis replaced with permanent one following infection in the joint

Natalia Junquera
King Juan Carlos waves on his exit from the Hospital Universitario Quirón de Madrid on Monday.
King Juan Carlos waves on his exit from the Hospital Universitario Quirón de Madrid on Monday.Chema Moya (EFE)

King Juan Carlos left hospital in Madrid on Monday, five days after undergoing his fifth hip operation.

The manager of the of the Quirón hospital, where the king was being treated, Lucía Alonso, said the infection the monarch was suffering from as a result of a previous hip replacement had cleared up. Alonso said the king had “very satisfactorily” completed post-operational treatment since last Thursday’s surgery and had recovered sufficient mobility for day-to-day activities.

The king’s surgeon, Miguel Cabanela, had previously estimated that Don Juan Carlos would be in hospital between four to seven days. Cabanela hoped the 75-year-old king would be able to resume official duties in the New Year, but warned that he would have to use crutches until the spring.

The monarch last week received a permanent artificial hip in his left side after a temporary implant had been put in due to an infection affecting a previously inserted prosthesis.

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