
Two injured in Palma stadium explosion

Investigators rule out deliberate blast ahead of Spain-Belarus qualifier

Police arrive in the Son Moix parking lot Thursday after the explosion.
Police arrive in the Son Moix parking lot Thursday after the explosion. MONTSERRAT T DIEZ (EFE)

Two workers at the Son Moix stadium in Palma de Mallorca suffered serious injuries after a generator exploded in the ground's parking lot on Thursday. A third person escaped with lesser injuries. The Spanish national soccer team is scheduled to play Belarus on Friday night in a World Cup qualifier at the home of the Real Mallorca club.

"The game is not in danger, we are not considering a change of date," said Jorge Carretero, a spokesman for the Spanish Football Federation. "The only thing is to lament that people were hurt, to whom we wish a swift recovery."

Belarus's training session on the field Thursday was canceled after the incident, which left the stadium without floodlights. What led to the blast was unknown at press time but investigators ruled out a deliberate cause, calling it a "chance event."

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