
This week’s movie releases

Hugh Jackman is back for his sixth outing as Wolverine

Hugh Jackman in the latest instalment of the Wolverine franchise.
Hugh Jackman in the latest instalment of the Wolverine franchise. Ben Rothstein (EFE)

In The Wolverine Hugh Jackman gets his claws into the Marvel superhero for the sixth time — after the X-Men movies and the character's first stand alone film in 2009. This time our hirsute hero goes east to Japan as, shorn of his immortality, he's forced to battle yakuza, ninjas and samurai around Tokyo to protect a late millionaire pal's granddaughter. Based on a 1982 comic series by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller, the script is co-penned by The Usual Suspects writer Christopher McQuarrie, while James Mangold (Walk the Line) directs.

His first movie since 2003's The Dreamers, Me and You finds the now wheelchair-bound Bernardo Bertolucci back directing in his native Italy. It's the story of a teenager from Rome, who, pretending he's off on an school skiing trip, hides out in his mom's basement with only his 25-year-old heroin-addicted half-sister for company.

Written and directed by Paul Andrew Williams, British comedy-drama Song for Marion stars Terence Stamp as a grumpy senior persuaded to join the choir of his terminally ill wife Vanessa Redgrave. Led by the young Gemma Arterton, the offbeat group, which specializes in unorthodox numbers — such as Salt-n-Pepa's Let's Talk About Sex — seeks to coax him out of his shell.

The 2001 Dos Palmas kidnappings of foreigners in the Philippines provides the inspiration for Captive. Brillante Mendoza's drama stars French actress Isabelle Huppert as a missionary who finds herself shipped around the jungle with other hostages taken by Abu Sayyaf Islamic militants as they try to evade the military.

From Spain, Alejandro Ezcurdia's Tres60 is a thriller starring Raúl Mérida as a student and surf fanatic who stumbles across a roll of film of strange photos, including ones of his long-disappeared childhood friend, Iván. His curiosity piqued, he begins investigating with the help of fellow student Daniela (Sara Sálamo), surf buddy El Ruso and little brother, Mario.

Lastly, Mexican thriller Colosio: El asesinato follows a fictitious investigation into a real-life event: the 1994 assassination of Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) presidential candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio Murrieta at a rally in Tijuana. The official version is Colosio was killed by lone gunman Mario Aburto Martínez, but some theories say the order came from the uppermost echelons. José María Yazpik (I'm So Excited) plays the intelligence expert called in to conduct a secret inquiry running in parallel with the government probe. Carlos Bolado writes and directs.

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