Rajoy skeptical about broad pact to push through reforms

Socialists offer ruling Popular Party agreement in four areas, including employment and economic modernization

A group of Spanish business leaders on Monday called on Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy to form a state pact with opposition parties on reforms, but the Popular Party leader doubted that such an agreement would be possible.

Earlier Monday, the main opposition Socialist Party had offered to form a pact with the PP on employment, the modernization of the economy, social protection and poverty. Socialist leader Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba said urgent action was needed, and not the patience Rajoy called for the previous day.

“I honestly don’t see some people being ready to share reforms, although I am always open to them,” Rajoy said in an address at the annual meeting of the Institute of Family Companies (IEF).

“Let’s see if it is possible to reach agreement on the sustainability of the state pension system,” Rajoy added.

The prime minister said his government would continue to pursue the reduction of the public deficit and push ahead with structural reforms. “Without reforms there will be no growth or employment,” he said. He also highlighted the need to work to enhance European integration.